Farm Classes
When signing up please designate names and ages of students attending and dates you are reserving. Also, please go to “Friends of the Farm” page here and make a $10 registration(supply) donation to the farm. We have shown information regarding the classes on this site under “events”, as well as a Registration Form that you can copy and print or pick up at the store or farm at your convenience.
September 9th (5-10yr old)Using your senses in Nature
September 10th (10-15yr old) Orientation (the compass/Survival Intro
Later September classes and Oct. Nov. & Dec. schedule will be posted here and will include some exciting topics for your students.
Please let David know if you plan to attend or visit during any of the scheduled volunteer days or workshops. You can also click on the button above and sign up for the class.
In Florida, the fact is you can grow just about anything 9-10 months of the year. (Sept-May). cannot do that successfully, with the highest production, for all varieties, with the same nutritional value for 10 months out of the year.
Some plants love and thrive in heat.......others in cool and sometimes cold temps. The berry plants/fruit trees give us stark examples. Berry plants demand a very certain number of "frost hours" over the winter to actually produce abundant "sweet" fruit. Without it plants are less healthy and productive, fruit can be tart instead of sweet and have less nutritional value.
In contrast most fruit trees will tolerate a very specific number of continuous "frost hours" before most if not all fruit is lost.
Most vegetables have these same types of tolerances, relating to temperatures, so it's important to pay attention when in planting according to their optimum growing environment.
Tender and Hardy.......discuss handout relating to various tolerances. Then discuss the significance of "Days to Harvest" relating to the terms of plant development and bloom production and harvest.
It's also important to mention that you choose things that actually taste better if grown in their preferred environment like lettuce or broccoli.....they can be grown spring or winter, but actually do significantly better and have more flavor in fall. Many varieties are that way, specific to the season.
Look how it varies from area to area on the Farmers Almanac. This is is on our website under planting tools, along with some other resources.
Why the Farmers Almanac? ...Our country's birth 1776......Almanac was founded in 1792, continuous publication since 1818, that's 224 years of experience. This is still widely used by farmers all over NorthAmerica for over 200 years.....why?
My research tells me the origins of what we do today was from the American Indians.....the Indians did not grow to sell anything........if crops failed, people died, which is pretty strong motivation for taking it serious and getting it right. But it was accomplished through centuries of experimenting and understanding the connection between the environment, weather, seasons, sun and moon.
So now make the connection to the lunar cycles, which is the gravitational pull on the earth which in fact specifically effects tides, fish, animal behavior etc. which I have experienced first hand because of time in the woods and on the water. I believe there is a real connection simply to all life forms.
Having said all of that, I'm a fan of the almanac and let's look at a few things on the hand out.
My experience with inexplicable events. So I tend to focus on the Never and Excellent times/days..........and the leafy/root/variety suggestions.
Q &A
THE WHAT to plant is usually the easiest part.......plant what you eat, what you the correct times.........with some experimentation. BUT how much?
The handout gives a good guide for production and plan for growing....
The next question is the spacing required. I generally put what I grow in 2-3 categories for planning my gardens:
Vegs that require 1 sq ft or less........and those that are in the 2+ sq ft and the vining/verticals
You should have this data before planning your garden and buying seeds or starters.
My go to vegs in first category: (F is Fall, S is Spring, B is Both)
The lettuces. F
Kales. F
Spinach. F
Beets. F
Beans (not pole). B
Okra S
Peas. B. (Variety specific)
Radish. B
Carrots. B
Peppers (most). S
Onions. B
Celery. F
Bok choy. F
Kohlrabi B
Strawberries F
2nd category
Tomatoes. B (variety specific)
Squash. S. (Variety specific)
Broccoli F
Cauliflower. F
Cabbage F
Collards. B
Cucumbers. S
Brussels F
Eggplant. B
Watermelon S
Cantaloupe. S
Many squash plants. F
Many of the beans and peas. B
Potatoes B
Resources: (handouts)
Farmers Almanac
Florida Gardening.......Stan DeFreitas
The Edible Landscape.........Tom MacCubbin
Both copyrights from the 80's
Q & A
Yoga Outline
- Guidance and support on your journey inward to Connected Well-Beingness at your own pace
- (Re)Connection to Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul
- Nourishment for the Body, Peaceful Mind, Compassionate Heart, and Union with Soul
- Does not require any prior "yoga" experience
- Welcomes all ages and levels of "flexibility" or "mobility" or "tightness"
Class structure:
- Tuning in - chant "Om" -2 min
- Breathing exercise - or breathing technique to practice 3-5 min
- Connecting to Body - spinal movements for warm up (top to bottom/ or head to toe joints prep, etc.) 10-12 min
- Empowering Mind - exercise to train and strengthen the mind. The power of intentional living and being - mini meditations/mantras with muscle movement
- Stretching Muscles/Body, Mind and Spirit - stretching and listening to Body's feedback, tuning inwards - following gently guided movements
- Relaxation - body scan of body, learning to relax muscle tension spots with power of intention, mind-body connection in a state of relaxation
- Meditative mind to Blissful Spirit
- Conclusion with Sunshine Song chant. "May the long time Sun shine up on You, All Love surround you, and the Pure Light within You, Guide your way on." 3x,
Conclude with 3 chants of "OM"
What You will need:
mat, if available, beach towel, several layers okay for comfort
extra towels for support (instead of blocks)
Wear Comfortable (loose) fitting clothing, in light colors
January through April (in February we are planning a couple of classes per week)
Raised Bed Gardening I - The "who, what, where, when, how and why" for raised bed gardening.
Raised Bed Gardening II - Seeds/seedlings, fertilizing methods/products, pesticides, plant maintenance, growing what you eat.The Dirt - Soil preparation and maintenance, composting, irrigation, solarizing.
The Fruit - Successful planting and growing fruit trees and shrubs. Fertilizing, pesticides, pruning, care and maintenance.
Farm (yard) Animals - Living space, feeding, care and maintenance for chickens and goats.
Beautification and Companion Gardening - Flowering plants that attract the butterflies and bees that help pollinate your vegetable garden and fruit trees and shrubs. Flowering plants and herbs that inherently dispel unwanted garden pests. Vegetables, that by virtue of space and soil nutrient requirements tend to thrive when planted together.
First Quarter 2016
Tower and hydroponic......expansion
2nd phase of raised beds
Greenhouse utilization
Traditional row farm