Helping Hands Program

supported and administrated by the wonderful volunteers of Abby’s Farm

 The mission of the new program is to identify individuals and families in need of healthy organic food at a time in which they may not be able to afford to buy it.  Abby Sayler was adamant that growing, eating healthy food shouldn’t preclude participants based on financial status.

This program involves volunteers collecting and distributing healthy, organic produce grown in community at our farm (based on availability), to individuals and families that have applied to the program through our website demonstrating a current financial hardship that would prevent them from acquiring the same through normal food outlets. 

The program provides for participants (four families at a time) to receive a box of fresh fruits/vegetables every other week, for two to three months.

Abby’s Organic Community Farm exists because of the vision and generosity of Abby Sayler to create a community farm as her way of “giving back” to the community that had blessed her for so many years.  At Abby’s Farm we feel blessed to have the opportunity to grow our own healthy, organic food………so this is our way of extending that blessing to others.